Gina Stewart, known as the “most beautiful grandma in the world,” recently celebrated her birthday, but she continues to shock internet users when they discover she has already passed 50.
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The muse, who went viral after earning over $53,000 by creating an artificial intelligence version of herself, celebrated her 54th birthday on September 20. Despite becoming an AI model, she stated that she is very proud of her appearance.
“People surprise me when they think I’m in my 30s. They are shocked when I say I’m in my 50s. I still don’t have gray hair and maybe it’s genetics or the fact that I eat healthy and exercise regularly,” she told Daily Star.
“I believe our body is designed to heal and repair itself, and we can live a long and healthy life based on how we take care of it. I believe being the best version of ourselves is the key to a happy life,” she added.
Gina, who became a mother for the first time at 19 and has three grandchildren, said that being a grandmother still feels “surreal” to her, especially considering she herself has a 10-year-old daughter.
Photo and video: Instagram @ginastewarthealth. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.