Video: Woman with gigantomastia shows before and after of reduction surgery and her story goes viral

Thaynara Marcondes. Instagram @thay_marcondes01Thaynara Marcondes. Instagram @thay_marcondes01

Thaynara Marcondes, a Brazilian influencer who suffered from a condition that excessively increased her physical attributes, went viral after showing the before and after of a reduction surgery.

+ Click here to watch the before and after video of the surgery

The 21-year-old pedagogy student shared that she became desperate when her breasts started to grow rapidly, and within a few months, each one weighed 5 kg. Thaynara was diagnosed with gigantomastia, a condition that causes excessive growth of the breast tissue.

Because of this, simple daily tasks became a challenge, and she had to start making custom clothes. “I couldn’t take it anymore […] I’m skinny and my back was terrible, oh my God,” she said in an interview with g1.

After seeking medical help, she decided to undergo breast reduction surgery, a procedure performed to reduce the size of the breasts. The surgery, done on October 25th and funded with donations, lasted nearly 13 hours, and Thaynara removed 10 kilograms of fat from the area.

On social media, she shared some before and after videos, which quickly went viral. However, her doctor warned that, since the cause of the abnormal growth has not yet been identified, it is possible that her breasts may grow again.

“We are still waiting for some exams. We initially informed her that there is a possibility that they might grow again, but not like before. Since she is still young, there is that possibility,” explained the plastic surgeon Dayson Luiz Nicolau dos Santos, responsible for the surgery.

Photo and video: Instagram @thay_marcondes01. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.