Video: Mexican News Program Accidentally Displays Indecent Image During Solar Eclipse Coverage

Video: Mexican News Program Accidentally Displays Indecent Image During Solar Eclipse Coverage. Photo and video: Twitter Reproduction @rcg_mediaVideo: Mexican News Program Accidentally Displays Indecent Image During Solar Eclipse Coverage. Photo and video: Twitter Reproduction @rcg_media

An unusual incident occurred during the coverage of a solar eclipse by a Mexican news program from RCG Media, called 24/7, which became a subject of laughter on the internet.

While broadcasting images sent by viewers of the celestial event that occurred on Monday, the hosts were surprised to accidentally show intimate parts of a man.

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During the segment, as one of the anchors listed the cities from where the eclipse could be observed, the video shown on the left side of the screen suddenly cut to an inappropriate scene: a man using his intimate parts to block the sun. The reaction among the hosts was immediate, with one of the female anchors emitting a sound of shock, while her male counterpart continued with the program, seemingly ignoring the mishap.

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The video was quickly taken off the air, and one of the anchors clarified that the material had been sent by viewers, admitting that the enthusiasm for sharing fan experiences can sometimes lead to embarrassing moments for the network.

The responsibility for the prank was claimed by a user identified only as Rhevolver, who celebrated the success of his prank on social media. In a post, he greeted his fellow citizens of Saltillo, joking about how he managed to get his intimate parts broadcasted on television due to the lack of video verification by the RCG Media team.

It has not yet been confirmed whether the submitted video was indeed from Rhevolver or if it was recycled footage from previous similar pranks. The incident sparked widespread discussion about the importance of verifying content sent by the public before its live broadcast.

Photo and video: Twitter Reproduction @rcg_media – This content was created with the assistance of AI

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