Video: Kim Kardashian Reveals Battle with Psoriasis in Instagram Video Series

Vídeo: Kim Kardashian revela luta contra psoríase em série de vídeos no Instagram

Kim Kardashian. Instagram @kimkardashian

Kardashian. Instagram @kimkardashian

In a series of videos shared on Instagram, Kim Kardashian, the 43-year-old influencer and reality show star, opened up to her 364 million followers about her long battle with psoriasis, an autoimmune skin condition that has affected her since 2011.

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On Tuesday, Kardashian posted a video showing a recent and “painful” outbreak of psoriasis on her right calf, providing insight into the reality of the condition. Psoriasis, known for causing rapid skin cell multiplication, results in scaly patches, itching, and inflammation.
“How crazy is my psoriasis right now, guys,” narrated Kardashian, while showing the significant extent of the outbreak. She expressed unawareness of the causes of this latest outbreak, which is now spreading up and down her leg.

Kim, who has advocated for the use of tanning beds as part of her psoriasis treatment, shared with followers her frustration and the pain associated with the condition. She insisted she has “tried everything” to treat the outbreak, which is described as extremely painful.

According to the NHS, topical corticosteroids are often prescribed to alleviate psoriasis inflammation. Alternative treatments include phototherapy, immunosuppressants, or homeopathic remedies. Kim, however, highlights the complexity of dealing with the condition, mentioning she is still trying to identify the triggers of her outbreaks.

In an emotional video, the mother of four explained that her psoriasis “usually” manifests in the same place on her calf, but is now moving “up my thigh.” Determined, Kim asserts, “It’s time to figure this out.”


To add a touch of lightness to her journey, Kim pointed out that her rash has a curiously heart-shaped pattern, coinciding with Valentine’s Day approaching. “Lucky me, I have a heart-shaped psoriasis,” she joked.

SKKN by Kim founder concluded by saying she shared these videos to raise awareness about her psoriasis journey, using the hashtag #psoriasissucks. At the end of the day, she returned to Instagram for a makeup session, continuing life with her usual routine.

This revelation comes weeks after Kim was criticized for promoting tanning beds to treat her psoriasis, a practice considered dangerous by some health experts.

Photo and video: Instagram @kimkardashian