Video: Influencer Brida Nunes Surprised by Unusual Marriage Proposal on Billboard

Influencer Brida Nunes is surprised by an unusual marriage proposal on a billboard. Photo: eubridanunesInfluencer Brida Nunes is surprised by an unusual marriage proposal on a billboard. Photo: eubridanunes

Brazilian influencer Brida Nunes was the target of an unusual gesture from a secret admirer in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo, where she lives. A billboard was set up with the provocative message: “Will you marry me?”

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Surprised by the declaration, Brida admitted she was shocked to see the billboard. “I had no idea who could have done this, but I found it funny and, at the same time, intriguing,” the influencer commented, noting that she still hasn’t discovered the admirer’s identity.

Brida, who is quite popular on social media, shared that although she receives many messages from fans, she never imagined someone would go as far as putting up a billboard to declare their feelings. “It made me wonder: what goes through the mind of someone who wants to date a content creator like me?” she reflected.

The situation led Brida to share with her followers some thoughts on the benefits of being in a relationship with someone in her profession. Inspired by the unusual proposal, she created a list highlighting the advantages of dating an adult content influencer.

“One of the first things people should know is that we, content creators, are very creative. We are always innovating and thinking outside the box, so a relationship with us is never boring,” Brida explained. She also mentioned the constant sense of adventure that accompanies the profession: “We are always seeking new experiences, which means routine doesn’t exist in our vocabulary,” she added.

Among other points Brida highlighted were the self-confidence developed through social media exposure, the financial independence many creators achieve, and the flexible hours that allow more time for personal life. “We work independently, so we have the freedom to adjust our schedules as we want, which makes it much easier to spend time with loved ones,” she explained. She also emphasized the communication skills required by the profession, which she believes are essential in any relationship.

Brida Nunes gained prominence in 2022 by becoming one of the first Brazilian women to pose for a Danish magazine, which named her the “Jessica Rabbit of Adult Platforms.”

Photo and video: @eubridanunes. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.