Video: Fitness muse reveals secret to a defined abdomen at 66 years old

Stephanie Finkel. Photo: Instagram @imseniorstrongStephanie Finkel. Photo: Instagram @imseniorstrong

Stephanie Finkel, a 66-year-old fitness content creator, is gaining a legion of fans thanks to her flawless physique.

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However, despite critics claiming she only has her body due to genetics, she denies this, saying she is very dedicated to her exercise routine and healthy diet.

“Genetics will only get you so far. Strength training combined with proper nutrition will get you to your fitness goal,” she explained in a recent video posted on her TikTok profile.


Stephanie shared that she started working out when she was 31, but by the time she was 62, she began training harder and more consistently to “reverse the effects of age-related muscle and strength loss.”

“Society thinks I’m too old […] to dress this way. But I’ve never cared about what society thinks,” she warned.

Photo and video: Instagram @imseniorstrong. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.