Video: After Breaking Up, Couple of Women Share the Same Husband

Video: After Breaking Up, Couple of Women Share the Same HusbandVideo: After Breaking Up, Couple of Women Share the Same Husband

Nicole, Lauren, and their husband Nick were in a mess before the two women ended their relationship with each other – now they share a husband and call themselves sister wives

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Nicole, Lauren, and their husband Nick were in a polyamorous relationship – or throuple – before they married him to become “sister wives”. But, although the two women are married to the same man, they no longer date each other.
A video, which has over 3,000 likes, explained that Nicole and Nick, from Florida, were high school sweethearts and had been married for 20 years before Lauren joined them about six years ago. The original duo already had three children together, while Lauren had two from a previous relationship.

All happily dated in a threesome arrangement for years – but the two women decided to end their relationship about four years ago. “We still loved each other, but not in that way anymore and that’s okay,” said the two women.

But both continued with their separate relationships with Nick and both married him. “We became sister wives and the love still grew,” they added in the caption.

Despite being in the unique arrangement for years, the couple admitted in the clip that they still get jealous. They said, “We still get jealous over petty things because we’re just human.”

Photos and videos: Reproduction Tiktok @2wives1guy_