Kaley Cuoco, actress from the TV series “The Big Bang Theory,” posted a video explaining why she gave away her dog before it passed away from cancer. Cuoco faced criticism from fans for her decision.
In a video posted on Monday, November 25, Kaley Cuoco explained why she made the decision to give away her dog Shirley, who was almost 14 years old and passed away from cancer. Fans criticized the actress from “The Big Bang Theory” for her decision.
Cuoco shared that after her boyfriend moved in, Shirley started fighting a lot with her boyfriend’s German Shepherd. She said that Shirley was “determined to kill” the dog named Blue.
“I loved her so much, but I was really scared. I didn’t want something bad to happen or for anyone to get hurt accidentally,” she explained.
Cuoco sent Shirley to stay with her trainer Tony and his wife Angie, who had already been taking care of her. The actress also mentioned that Shirley recently passed away from an aggressive bone cancer.
Despite her explanations, Kaley Cuoco faced criticism from her followers.
“If your boyfriend brought his child to live with you, would you give away yours or his if they didn’t get along?” asked one fan. “I would never give away my dog for a boyfriend,” said another.
Photos and video: Instagram @kaleycuoco. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.