艾爾伍德·愛德華茲於74歲辭世,因為是AOL的「You’ve Got Mail」語音而聞名。
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“You’re Got Mail”의 목소리로 유명한 엘우드 에드워즈, 74세로 사망
엘우드 에드워즈가 74세의 나이로 세상을 떠났습니다. 그는 AOL의 “You’ve Got Mail” 음성으로 유명합니다.
Read More「You’ve Got Mail」の声で知られるエルウッド・エドワーズが74歳で死去
「You’ve Got Mail」の音声で知られるエルウッド・エドワーズが74歳で死去しました。
Read MoreElwood Edwards, a “You’ve Got Mail” hangja, 74 évesen elhunyt
Elhunyt 74 éves korában Elwood Edwards, aki híres volt arról, hogy ő volt a “You’ve Got Mail” e-mail értesítés hangja az AOL-nál.
Read MoreElwood Edwards, voice of “You’ve Got Mail,” dies at 74
Elwood Edwards, known for being the voice of the “You’ve Got Mail” email alert for AOL, has passed away at the age of 74.
Read MoreElwood Edwards, voce di “You’ve Got Mail”, muore a 74 anni
È morto a 74 anni Elwood Edwards, noto per essere la voce dell’avviso sonoro “You’ve Got Mail” dell’email AOL.
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