world record

The tallest woman in the world poses with the shortest woman in the world after an unexpected meeting

Rumeysa Gelgi, 27, holder of the "world's tallest woman" record, met Indian actress Jyoti Amge,… Leia mais

Dutch man breaks Guinness record after walking from Los Angeles to New York

A Dutch man has broken a Guinness world record after walking from Los Angeles to… Leia mais

16-Year-Old Teen Breaks World Record with the Largest Feet and Hands

Eric Kilburn Jr., a 16-year-old from Michigan, USA, has set two Guinness World Records for… Leia mais

Video: Streamer Stays Awake for Over 260 Hours in Attempt to Break World Record

Streamer Norme, known for his daring live broadcasts, went viral after attempting to break the… Leia mais