The actor Steve Buscemi, 66, was strolling through Kips Bay last week when a stranger struck the star of “The Big Lebowski ” and “Fargo” in a daylight assault – one of the latest unprovoked attacks in the five boroughs, police sources told NYPost.
Read MoreThe Big Lebowski
Actor from ‘The Big Lebowski’ is assaulted by a stranger on the streets of New York
The actor Steve Buscemi, 66, was strolling through Kips Bay last week when a stranger struck the star of “The Big Lebowski ” and “Fargo” in a daylight assault – one of the latest unprovoked attacks in the five boroughs, police sources told NYPost.
Read MoreAktor ‘The Big Lebowski’ Diserang oleh Orang Tak Dikenal di Jalan-jalan New York
Aktor Steve Buscemi, berusia 66 tahun, sedang berjalan-jalan di Baía de Kips minggu lalu ketika seorang orang tak dikenal menyerang bintang “The Big Lebowski” dan “Fargo” di siang bolong – salah satu serangan tak terprovokasi terakhir di lima distrik, menurut sumber kepolisian yang berbicara dengan situs NYPost.
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