UK’s Most Tattooed Woman Shows Off Her ‘Most Painful’ Tattoo After 4-Hour Session

Becky Holt, the UK’s most tattooed woman, surprised her followers by sharing her most painful tattoo to date: a detailed artwork done on the palm of her hand.

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Australia’s Most Tattooed Woman Shows Off Impressive Body Transformation: “12 Years of Dedication”

Amber Luke, “Australia’s most tattooed woman,” shared on social media the various body modifications she has undergone over the past 12 years, completely transforming her appearance since her teenage years.

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Mulher mais tatuada do Reino Unido exibe tatuagem “mais dolorosa” após sessão de 4 horas

Becky Holt, a mulher mais tatuada do Reino Unido, surpreendeu os seguidores após compartilhar sua tatuagem mais dolorosa até hoje: uma arte bem elaborada feita na palma de sua mão.

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Ex-police officer reveals she had to cover Christian tattoo before joining the police

Summer Fox, an adult content creator and former police officer, revealed that she had to change a cross tattoo behind her ear before joining the police force.

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Influencer Gets Trump Tattooed on Her Forehead and Asks for Money on the Streets to Remove It

Influencer Rain Monroe got a tattoo of the name “Trump” on her forehead at the beginning of August and is now asking for money on the streets to remove the tattoo.

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Video: Meet the War Veteran Who Won the Title of “Most Tattooed Woman in the World”

Esperance Lumineska Fuerzina, a U.S. war veteran, has officially earned the title of “World’s Most Tattooed Woman” from Guinness World Records.

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