Rihanna is called a “goddess” after showing too much in a video

Rihanna left her followers speechless after sharing a video showing off a fun look she put together for a stroll in New York City.

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Rihanna viene chiamata „dea“ dopo aver mostrato troppo in un video

Rihanna ha lasciato i suoi follower a bocca aperta dopo aver condiviso un video in cui mostra un look divertente che ha messo insieme per una passeggiata a New York.

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Rihanna wordt „godin“ genoemd nadat ze te veel heeft getoond in een video

Rihanna heeft haar volgers met open mond achtergelaten nadat ze een video had gedeeld waarin ze een grappige outfit laat zien die ze had samengesteld voor een wandeling door New York.

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Rihanna est appelée « déesse » après avoir trop montré dans une vidéo

Rihanna a laissé ses abonnés bouche bée après avoir partagé une vidéo où elle montre un look amusant qu’elle a concocté pour se promener à New York.

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Rihanna é chamada de “deusa” após mostrar demais em vídeo

Rihanna deixou os seguidores boquiabertos após compartilhar um vídeo exibindo um look divertido que montou para passear por Nova York.

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Rihanna poses in sheer lingerie and dispels rumors of a third pregnancy

Rihanna has dispelled rumors that she is expecting her third child after sharing new photos where she is seen in lingerie.

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