
Man Claims to Be the “Secret Son” of King Charles III and Demands Paternity Test

Simon Charles Dorante-Day, born in the UK, claims to be the “secret son” of King… +

Video: King Charles III Reveals Disturbing Portrait of Himself

On Tuesday, King Charles III, aged 75, unveiled a new official portrait of himself, painted… +

Nostradamus predisse che il re avrebbe ‘abdica’ dal trono mentre Carlo III rivela la sua battaglia contro il cancro

Secondo le profezie dell'astrologo del XVI secolo Nostradamus, il Re Carlo III del Regno Unito… +

Nostradamus predicted the king would ‘abdicate’ the throne as Charles III reveals battle against cancer

According to the prophecies of the 16th-century astrologer Nostradamus, King Charles III of the United… +

Nostradamus previu que rei iria ‘abdicar’ do trono enquanto Charles III revela batalha contra o câncer

Segundo as profecias do astrólogo do século 16 Nostradamus, o Rei Charles III do Reino… +

King Charles III, Aged 75, Diagnosed with Cancer

The Buckingham Palace announced on Monday that King Charles III, aged 75, has been diagnosed… +