At 58, Shania Twain Reveals Unusual Diet to Maintain a Youthful Appearance

Shania Twain revealed that one of the secrets to looking younger is following a liquid diet, which involves drinking her food instead of eating it.

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Som 58-årig afslører Shania Twain en usædvanlig diæt for at bevare en ungdommelig fremtoning

Shania Twain har afsløret, at en af hemmelighederne til at se yngre ud er at følge en flydende diæt, som indebærer, at hun drikker sin mad i stedet for at spise den.

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À 58 ans, Shania Twain révèle un régime inhabituel pour maintenir une apparence jeune

Shania Twain a révélé que l’un des secrets pour paraître plus jeune est de suivre un régime liquide, qui consiste à boire ses aliments plutôt que de les manger.

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Video: Dermatologist Reveals the Type of Pimple You Should NEVER Pop

The dermatologist Dr. Ellis from California issued a serious warning about the risks of popping pimples, especially those that fall into the category of cystic pimples.

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