
Elizabeth Banks a failli mourir asphyxiée lors du tournage de son nouveau film “Skincare”

L'actrice Elizabeth Banks a révélé lors d'une interview qu'elle a failli mourir asphyxiée lors du… Leia mais

Elizabeth Banks Nearly Died from Choking During Filming of Her New Movie “Skincare”

Actress Elizabeth Banks revealed in an interview that she nearly died from choking during the… Leia mais

Elizabeth Banks was bijna dood door verstikking tijdens de opnames van haar nieuwe film “Skincare”

Actrice Elizabeth Banks onthulde in een interview dat ze bijna doodging door verstikking tijdens de… Leia mais

Elizabeth Banks var tæt på at dø af kvælning under optagelserne til sin nye film “Skincare”

Skuespilleren Elizabeth Banks afslørede i et interview, at hun var tæt på at dø af… Leia mais

Steve-O from Jackass revealed that he wants to get breast implants to pull pranks

Steve-O, known for his extreme stunts, is already planning his next move: getting breast implants… Leia mais

Steve-O, fra Jackass, afslørede, at han vil have brystimplantater for at lave pranks

Steve-O, kendt for sine ekstreme stunts, planlægger allerede sit næste skridt: at få brystimplantater for… Leia mais