Sharon Stone, at 66, dazzled everyone with her impeccable look while swimming in a zebra print bikini
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At 59 years old, Elizabeth Hurley showcases her curves in a bold video shot in the bathroom
Elizabeth Hurley, at the age of 59, impressed by showcasing her curves while posing in a decorated top and a matching mini skirt during a photo shoot.
Read MoreAdult film star reappears in dress from 30 years ago after losing 37 kilograms
Former adult film star, Jenna Jameson Lawless, 49, surprised her followers by sharing a montage of photos on social media wearing the same dress she had over 30 years ago.
Read MoreCasal emagrece 180 quilos e posts de antes e depois viralizam no Instagram
Lexi e Danny Reed são um exemplo de que emagrecer em casal pode trazer mais resultados do que seguir uma trajetória solitária contra a obesidade O projeto de…
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