Taylor Swift rencontre un contretemps inhabituel lors du spectacle “The Eras Tour” à Londres

Taylor Swift a rencontré un contretemps inhabituel lors de son spectacle “The Eras Tour” à Londres. La chanteuse a accidentellement avalé un insecte pendant qu’elle interprétait la chanson “All Too Well”

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Taylor Swift incontra un imprevisto insolito durante lo show “The Eras Tour” a Londra

Taylor Swift ha affrontato un imprevisto insolito durante il suo show “The Eras Tour” a Londra. La cantante ha accidentalmente inghiottito un insetto mentre eseguiva la canzone “All Too Well”

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Taylor Swift encounters unusual mishap during “The Eras Tour” show in London

Taylor Swift faced an unusual mishap during her “The Eras Tour” show in London. The singer accidentally swallowed a bug while performing the song “All Too Well”.

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Taylor Swift sofre contratempo inusitado durante show da “The Eras Tour” em Londres

Taylor Swift enfrentou um contratempo inusitado durante o seu show da “The Eras Tour”, em Londres. A cantora acabou engolindo acidentalmente um inseto enquanto apresentava a música “All Too Well”

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