death and mourning

Famous wildlife YouTuber dies after being bitten by a venomous snake

YouTuber Graham 'Dingo' Dinkelman died on Saturday (26) after being bitten by a venomous snake.… +

Surf legend Giuliana Manfrini dies after being pierced in the heart by a swordfish

The Italian Giuliana Manfrini, a surfing legend, died near Pulau Masoku Island in West Sumatra… +

TikToker Rachel Yaffe Dies at 27 After Battling Liver Cancer

After fighting liver cancer for seven years, TikToker Rachel Yaffe has passed away at the… +

John Amos’s daughter learned of her father’s death 45 days after his passing

The actor John Amos passed away at the age of 84 from natural causes on… +

Turkish TikToker Kubra Aykut found dead after falling from a sack, leaving fans in shock

Police who found the body of Turkish TikToker Kubra Aykut, 26, discovered a letter that… +

“Lip King” arrested in the UK for the death of a woman who underwent aesthetic procedures on her buttocks

The British TV star known as “Lip King” was arrested in the UK on Thursday… +