
Most Tattooed Man in Brazil Shows Before and After of Removing His Tattoos

Leandro Souza, 35, known as the most tattooed man in Brazil, decided to remove his… Leia mais

Ken Humano thay đổi cuộc sống và danh tính để trở thành nhân viên trạm xăng

Felipe Máximo, được biết đến với tên gọi Ken Humano, đã trải qua một sự… Leia mais

Ken Humano Transforms Life and Identity and Becomes a Gas Station Attendant: “I Feel Good”

Felipe Máximo, known as Ken Humano, has undergone a significant transformation after leaving his hometown… Leia mais

Fan captures an incandescent meteor falling to Earth while recording a singer’s show in Brazil

Fans captured the moment when a meteor fell to Earth and illuminated the sky during… Leia mais

Ismerd meg Isabella Settanni-t, akit a brazil influenszerként emlegetnek, mint Tom Brady új barátnőjét

Isabella Settanni, egy brazil influenszer és a korábbi barátnője a szörfös Gabriel Medina, úgy tűnik,… Leia mais

Jéssica Alves bemutatta sebészileg erősített eszközeit, amikor kék fehérneműben pózolt egy új fotózás során

Jéssica Alves beszédtéma lett, amikor sebészileg erősített eszközeit mutatta be egy sor fehérneműs fotóban szombaton. Leia mais