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Amanda Holden is a British television presenter, actress, and singer, best known as a judge on “Britain’s Got Talent.” Born on April 16, 1971, in Portsmouth, England, she gained fame from her role in the TV series “Cutting It” before joining the talent show in 2007. In addition to her television career, she has released several singles and is recognized for her distinctive fashion sense. Amanda is married to record producer Chris Hughes and has two daughters, making her a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.
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Amanda Holden una vez más encantó a sus fans usando Instagram para lucir otra ropa sensacional y reveladora.
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Amanda Holden betoverde wederom haar fans door op Instagram een ander sensationeel en onthullend outfit te tonen.
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Amanda Holden begeisterte ihre Fans erneut, indem sie Instagram nutzte, um ein weiteres sensationelles und aufschlussreiches Outfit zu präsentieren.
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Amanda Holden fortryllede endnu engang sine fans ved at bruge Instagram til at vise endnu et sensationelt og afslørende outfit.
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Amanda Holden opět okouzlila své fanoušky tím, že na Instagramu předvedla další senzační a odhalující oblečení.
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