She showed it all! Model reveals true body in unedited video

Ariella Nyssa. Instagram @ariellanyssa
Ariella Nyssa. Instagram @ariellanyssa

Ariella Nyssa, an influential model and advocate for body positivity, shared a powerful and unedited video, revealing her natural skin to the world.

+ Click here to see Ariella Nyssa’s video

With over 720,000 followers on Instagram, Ariella did not hesitate to bring the camera close to her face, hips, and eyes, showcasing all the so-called “imperfections” – from cellulite to facial hair.

The blonde, known for her tireless campaign for realistic body representations, emphasized that unique features such as marks and wrinkles on the skin are what define a “normal woman.” She stated that it is not necessary to look like the “perfect images” often seen on social media.

Although the video delivers a strong message of self-acceptance, Ariella admitted to her followers that producing and sharing the content was a significant emotional challenge. She revealed that the experience forced her to confront her own insecurities.

In the caption accompanying the video, Ariella wrote: “I thought about the people in my life seeing this, about people on the internet judging me. Judging me for all those things I usually hide because of society’s beauty standards.”


She continued: “But as you know, posting about my insecurities is where I grow the most in my self-love journey. Sharing these things takes the power away from society’s beauty standards and gives that power back to me.”

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Ariella concluded her message with an encouraging note: “If I say it’s beautiful, then it’s real. So, it’s beautiful and real. I hope this helps you see how beautiful you are – that your insecurities make you imperfectly perfect and that you are enough.”

Since the model shared her heartfelt message, she has received over 11,000 likes and a flood of supportive comments. Her followers praise Ariella’s honesty and authenticity in her posts that promote empowerment.

Source and images: Instagram @ariellanyssa. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.