Recently, Lizzy High, known as “Liz Bites Back” on Instagram, revealed the reality of one kilogram of fat in an impactful post.
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In a video, the fitness influencer and personal trainer explained that losing one kilogram might seem small, but by showing the physical size of the fat, she highlighted how significant this progress is, reassuring and encouraging her followers.
“You stepped on the scale, looked down, and saw you lost just one kilogram of fat. Before you get discouraged, let me show you something. This [object simulating fat] is what one kilogram of fat looks like. This is how much weight you’ve lost in a week. That’s amazing. Even if you want to lose more fat, don’t give up. You’re making incredible progress.”
The video generated a strong reaction among her followers, many of whom were surprised by the actual size of the fat and thanked Lizzy for her advice.
Source: Mirror | Photos: Instagram (@liz.bitesback)
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