The oncologist nutritionist reveals the foods that should not be consumed if you want to reduce the risk of cancer.
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As we already know, the prevention of many diseases can begin with diet. According to Nichole Andrews, an oncologist nutritionist, some foods should not be consumed because they increase the risk of a person developing cancer.
In a TikTok post that has already garnered over 5 million views, Andrews revealed the foods that she, as a specialist, would not consume to reduce cancer risk. In the video, the professional explains the reasons behind her choices, many of which are really surprising.
She starts by drawing attention to the consumption of green juice powders; Andrews explains that it is always better to consume fruits and vegetables in their natural form and that, in fact, some products can even be harmful.
“I would never buy these green powders and try to consider them fruits and vegetables,” she explains. “The fiber is stripped away and sometimes they are enriched with strange herbs that can damage the liver.”
The second food the nutritionist does not recommend may be a shock to many people; for Andrews, the term ‘organic‘ should not be taken so seriously and suggests that there is no real difference compared to conventional vegetables: “Organic is actually just marketing, they also use pesticides,” she says in the video.
The nutritionist also talks about some types of diets that should not be followed, in her opinion. For the nutritionist, the ketogenic and low-carb diets are not ideal for those who want to stay healthy: “Our bodies are built so that 50% of our calorie intake comes from carbohydrates, because that is our body’s preferred energy source.”
Supplements are also harshly criticized by Andrews; for the specialist, they can cause more harm than good, as they increase the risk of cancer because they contain high doses of free radicals, more than 200% of the daily required value.
“Free radicals are things that damage the DNA of cells. The first step of cancer is a damaged cell that cannot be repaired,” she says.
Alcohol and processed meats should be avoided, according to the specialist; “Alcohol increases the risk of six types of cancer with any consumption.” According to Andrews, processed meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer: “Pepperoni, sausage, your sandwiches, your bacon, your cold cuts. Cut that out.”
The oncologist nutritionist also advises people not to be fooled by labels claiming ‘high in protein‘, “High-protein cookies, high-protein donuts, high-protein chips are still donuts, cookies, and chips.”
Another important point for Andrews is breakfast, which she says should not be ‘skipped’. “Waking up every day and feeling hungry in the morning is actually a sign of a healthy metabolism,” she explains.
In addition to diet, the specialist also highlights the importance of a good night’s sleep and says that seven hours of sleep per night are essential for those who want to stay healthy. “It balances your hormones and helps rebuild cells and muscles.”
Finally, the nutritionist emphasizes the need for us to exercise and stay active throughout the day, which, according to her, helps prevent the disease: “It is important to exercise for 150 minutes per day to reduce cancer risk, but sitting less and moving more also reduces this risk. “If you just exercise and then sit the rest of the day, all those extra hours sitting will increase the risk of cancer.”
This content was created with the help of AI