Mother asks for help with messy daughters and her video entertains internet users

Mother and messy daughters. Photo: Reproduction
Mother and messy daughters. Photo: Reproduction

A mother used her social media to ask for help with her daughters’ mess: “You couldn’t find Jesus in this room!”

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Some children are naturally organized, while others, who seem to be in the majority, are born messy. Parents can plead, threaten with punishments, but still, it’s impossible to find a tidy room.

Those who are parents of such creatures know that when you open the door to an disorganized child’s room, the surprise can always be bigger than expected. And sometimes it can be even worse when siblings unite in mess.

Children and teenagers have an amazing ability to spread things, lose items in a small space, hang clothes in completely inappropriate places and still think everything is under control.

To find inspiration and help with her messy daughters, a mother turned to Instagram to ask for advice and find out how other parents deal with their children’s mess. In a video that amused many people, Ariel B. shows her daughters’ room and shares all her indignation with internet users.

Reproduction Instagram Ariel B.

“My daughters’ room is so horrible that everything you look for at home is there,” Ariel says in her post. “You couldn’t find Jesus in this room. You couldn’t find common sense, humility, or any decent soul in this room.”

The frustration began when her daughters had difficulty finding their T-shirts for a summer camp excursion, which forced the mother to go to the room to try to find the piece of clothing. She then shows in the clip where the shirt was lost, a room that seems to have been hit by a tornado.


Clothes scattered, furniture out of place, the floor crowded with things, a doll’s head under the bed, food packaging, and even cleaning products are displayed by the mother in every corner of the room.

Internet users understood the situation Ariel is going through and many commented with humor on the mother’s desperate yet funny request.

In one comment, an internet user expressed empathy and repeated phrases that every messy child’s parent has said several times to their child: “I can definitely relate to this, finding packaging; I’ve said 23 times not to eat in the room. I’m not going to clean up after them,” he wrote.

Another couldn’t help but talk about the scary mannequin head that appears among the mess: “The mannequin head lying under the bed looks stressed. Her face seems to say ‘help me’,” he joked.

And for those wondering why the bed is without a mattress, Ariel has a great explanation: “I turned the mattress looking for the orange shirt after stepping on a Barbie jeep and almost breaking my neck.”

This content was created with the help of AI and edited by the editorial team.