Julio Iglesias Detained at Airport for Carrying Suspicious Content

Julio Iglesias. Instagram @julioiglesias
Julio Iglesias. Instagram @julioiglesias

The luggage of 80-year-old Spanish singer Julio Iglesias was confiscated for allegedly containing material viewed as suspicious by security personnel.

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The Spanish singer was detained at the Punta Cana airport in the Dominican Republic after authorities found 42 kg of food in his luggage.

According to the Spanish TV show Fiesta, the singer was arriving from the Bahamas in the Caribbean when he was detained for transporting the food. The list of food items included strawberries, blueberries, lettuce, and beans.

The situation, after the embarrassment and detention, was later classified as “a misunderstanding.”

The transport of fresh food is prohibited by customs laws for sanitary reasons. Julio Iglesias ran a serious risk of being arrested – something that ultimately did not happen.

Photo: Reproduction/ Twitter
Photo: Reproduction/ Twitter

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