Jack Fowler from the reality show “Love Island” nearly died due to a severe allergy

Jack Fowler from the reality show “Love Island” nearly died due to a severe allergy Jack Fowler. Photos and video: Instagram @_jackfowler_

The star of the reality show “Love Island”, Jack Fowler, had a near-death experience on an Emirates flight due to a meal that triggered a severe allergic reaction.

Jack Fowler, star of the reality show “Love Island”, had a near-death experience on an Emirates flight. Fowler informed the crew about his nut allergy, but was still served a dish containing the allergen.

In an Instagram post, Fowler expressed his frustration with the situation. “What needs to happen for airlines to take food allergies seriously?”, he wrote.

Fowler recounted that his throat “closed up immediately” and he had to request an emergency landing from a flight attendant. “If you don’t land this plane soon, I’m going to die on this plane”, he reportedly said according to the Daily Star.

The “Love Island” star had to use an EpiPen injection and receive oxygen from cylinders. Emirates has not yet commented on the incident.

Jack Fowler. Photos and video: Instagram @_jackfowler_

Photos and video: Instagram @_jackfowler_. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team