Karina Irby, an Australian body positivity influencer, responded to some negative comments she received after revealing that she doesn’t want to have children.
After opening a question box on her Instagram stories, where she has more than 1 million followers, the influencer received a question about expanding her family.
“Do you plan to have children?” asked a follower, to which Karina replied: “No. We’re a childfree couple by choice here.” Karina has been married for two years to Ryan, with whom she has been in a relationship for 10 years.
Surprisingly, the couple’s choice made some of Karina’s followers upset, with one person saying: “You’ll regret this decision if you don’t have children.”
However, Karina responded by saying: “How can you be so sure I will regret it? You don’t know me, nor my husband. I would regret having them,” said the influencer.
This is not the first time Karina has spoken about not wanting to become a mother. In a video, she mentioned that she often “upsets strangers” because she is totally against the idea of having children in the future.
Karina was talking to a “very nice” woman who noticed her wedding ring. While chatting, the woman was completely shocked to learn that the influencer wasn’t interested in starting a family.
She said she saw the “blood drain” from the woman’s face when she dropped the bombshell. The reaction was so exaggerated that Karina knew she had to share it with her followers.
Photo and video: Instagram @karinairby. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.