Influencer Identifies as Demisexual and Throws Party to Celebrate Four Years of Being Single

Suellen Carey. Photo: Instagram
Suellen Carey. Photo: Instagram

Born in Brazil, but currently living in London, the influencer Suellen Carey recently took to Instagram to celebrate a significant milestone in her life: four years of being single. In her characteristic style, she shared a series of photos from a simple yet joyous celebration she organized to mark the occasion.

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“As a demisexual, I don’t go around hooking up with just anyone, only people I connect with. But it’s been four years since I really connected with someone, whenever I think the relationship is moving forward, something happens that cuts it off”, said the influencer.

Demisexuality is an identity within the spectrum of sexual orientation. It is when a person feels sexually attracted to someone only after developing a deep emotional connection with that person.

Suellen Carey. Photo: Instagram

Demisexuals typically do not feel sexual attraction immediately or based solely on appearance. Instead, the attraction develops over time and is based on emotional connection, trust, and intimacy.

According to the influencer, she doesn’t feel sad about being single for all this time, as for her everything has a reason, and if she hasn’t found anyone yet it’s because someone better is to come. “I firmly believe that the perfect person for me will appear, and then all this waiting time will be worth it”. The influencer concluded.