Illustrative Video Shows What Happens When You Tweeze a Hair and Why You Shouldn’t Do It
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After watching this illustrative video, you might think twice before using tweezers to remove a hair from your face.
There’s no denying it—when you feel a small spot on your face, sometimes a bit inflamed, you rush to grab tweezers to pluck that bothersome hair, and you don’t stop until you feel it’s truly gone.
But an illustrative video that reveals exactly what happens when a hair is pulled out of the skin with tweezers might make you reconsider this habit.
In addition to the initial pain, plucking hairs can cause other issues. In fact, every time you pull out a hair, it inflames the follicle, which can lead to a spot in the area.
The simulation shown in a TikTok clip suggests that if you pluck an old hair, another one might grow in its place, but not properly, as it might sometimes grow curved, preventing it from breaking through the surface of the skin and resulting in the infamous ingrown hair.
So, the next time you reach for tweezers, think carefully, avoid damaging your skin, and look for a better way to remove that annoying hair.
Photo and video: TikTok @zackdfilms92. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.