“I accepted my cellulite and received more compliments online,” declares influencer who advocates for real bodies on social media

Luana Kazaki. Instagram @luanakazaki_ Luana Kazaki. Instagram @luanakazaki_

The influencer Luana Kazaki is an advocate for real bodies on social media. She has openly opposed cosmetic surgeries for aesthetic purposes and encourages other women to maintain a loving perspective towards their bodies.

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With 805,000 followers on Instagram, she consistently posts unfiltered and unedited photos on her profile.

“I always say that we should value ourselves, loving our body is important. We women need to understand who we are and learning to like what we see in the mirror is an important step to take,” she declares.

She mentions that she hasn’t had many issues with her image, but has noticed how it affects other women. “I interact with other women daily and see how being over or underweight, having some imperfections here or there, can damage their self-esteem. That’s why I always try to help in the best way possible,” she explains.


Luana also reveals that after publicly accepting her cellulite, she started receiving more compliments on her social media. “The only thing I did was show my body as it is. I began posting photos without fear, not trying to hide the dimples through a specific angle. After that, I started receiving a lot more compliments in the comments and also in private messages,” the influencer shares.

Kazaki says that men started paying more attention to her and liked what they saw: “Every day there’s someone new complimenting me and emphasizing how much they like my body, being a real body,” she states.

Luana highlighted some messages she receives on her Instagram profile: “Keep posting like this, your fans appreciate it,” said a follower upon seeing the influencer’s natural photos; “Gorgeous in every way and I’ll say I prefer photos like this without editing,” another commented; “With or without imperfections, you’re stunning”; “Absolutely no flaws in that gorgeous, wonderful body”; “Your ‘imperfections’ are perfect!!!!,” said other followers.

Photo and video: Instagram @luanakazaki_. This content was created with AI assistance and reviewed by the editorial team.