Hair Gets Stuck in Influencer’s Daughter’s Taste Buds, and the Video Goes Viral

taste bud Photos and video: Instagram

Maria Eduarda, daughter of Brazilian influencer Gabrielle Vidal, managed to tie a knot in her taste bud with a strand of hair. The video of the operation to remove the hair went viral on social media.

Brazilian influencer Gabrielle Vidal had to take her 6-year-old daughter, Maria Eduarda, to the hospital to remove a hair stuck in a taste bud. The video of the operation went viral on social media.

“The day my daughter made a knot in the taste bud of her tongue,” wrote the influencer. The video shows the child feeling discomfort from the pain while her parents and family members try to calm her down.

Maria Eduarda’s mother explained that she tried to remove the hair very slowly, but couldn’t see where it was stuck. Then, one of the child’s aunts tried but also couldn’t get it out. Gabrielle took her daughter to the hospital.

“At the hospital, the doctors untied the knot by passing gauze in the opposite direction of the tongue,” Gabrielle said.

The incident happened in June 2024, but the mother decided to share the video only in October. “I thought it was a unique event. Unfortunately, reactions were divided between those who felt sorry and found it interesting, and those who thought it was exaggerated and criticized everything,” she said.

Photos and video: Instagram This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.