From hobby to profession, the story behind the success of comedian and YouTuber Thiago Melo B

From hobby to profession, the story behind the success of comedian and YouTuber Thiago Melo B From hobby to profession, the story behind the success of comedian and YouTuber Thiago Melo B. Photo: Disclosure

Originally from Santarém Novo, in Pará, Thiago Melo B came from a humble family and managed to succeed in life through the internet, providing a more dignified life for himself and even more so for his thousands of followers.

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“With the help of my followers, I built two houses for people who had nowhere to live, which was my friend Kiko’s house and Mrs. Bárbara’s house. This story moved the public, gaining me many more admirers on social media,” he recalls.

With 1 million followers on Instagram alone and videos that reached 180 million views on Youtube, the content creator talks about his passion for his work. “I own several memes that have become internationally known, such as the famous thief’s giggle,” he says, having previously collaborated with other famous influencers, such as Toguro from Mansão Maromba.


Like every content creator who works directly with the internet, Thiago Melo B has also faced the wave of haters, which nearly made him give up his career. “Criticism, lack of opportunities, difficulties, health problems, and the lack of connection in the countryside where I live, all led me to consider giving up several times,” he reveals.

But the dream spoke louder and provided remarkable moments in the influencer’s life. “When I managed to renovate my mother’s house with the money I earned from Youtube and when I reached the milestone of 1 million subscribers on my Youtube channel,” he celebrates, now also a reference in humor:

“There are many people going through difficult times or health problems, such as depression and anxiety, who, upon seeing my content, feel much better and often see me as an inspiration.”