Fan captures an incandescent meteor falling to Earth while recording a singer’s show in Brazil

Fan captures an incandescent meteor falling to Earth while recording a singer's show in Brazil
Fan captures an incandescent meteor falling to Earth while recording a singer’s show in Brazil (Photo: Reprodução/Twitter)

Fans captured the moment when a meteor fell to Earth and illuminated the sky during a concert by singer Simone Mendes in Northeast Brazil.

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Simone was performing at the Tamboril Fest when someone in the audience captured the image of a meteor while the artist had another singer on stage.

The unusual incident took place last Saturday (13) in Tamboril, Ceará, and the meteor was observed in five states in Northeast Brazil, such as Sergipe, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, and Piauí.

“It was a very bright meteor, its brightness is comparable to that of the sun. To give you an idea, it is very rare for a meteor of this size to appear,” explained astronomer Lauriston Trindade from the Brazilian Meteor Monitoring Network (Bramon) to g1.

“When this asteroid or meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, it compresses atmospheric gases, generating heating that warms up the gas and the rock itself. This heating leads to the luminous phenomenon we call a meteor,” added Captain Romário Fernandes, professor of astronomy at the Military School of Firefighters in Ceará, to g1.

The singer commented on the event on her social media. “I thought it was lightning, or something like that. This person saw it and told everyone. Luckily, the internet is there. You can’t hide anything, everyone sees everything. It appeared everywhere, so we could confirm that it was true,” Simone said on Instagram.

Photo and video: X @sertanejonanet. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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