Ex-police officer reveals she had to cover Christian tattoo before joining the police

Ex-police officer reveals she had to cover Christian tattoo before joining the police
Ex-police officer reveals she had to cover Christian tattoo before joining the police (Photo: Instagram reproduction)

Summer Fox, adult content creator and former police officer, revealed that she had to change a tattoo with the symbol of the cross behind her ear before joining the police force.

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Fox, 31, who now works as a model, explained in an interview with the Daily Star website that she had a small tattoo of a cross symbol behind her ear, but was instructed to cover it before joining the police force.

The tattoo, made to honor her late grandfather, was covered with a large snowflake so that Fox wouldn’t be seen as “discriminatory.” Since she had wanted to become a police officer since she was young, the model accepted the conditions but admitted she was upset.

“They said it was a form of discrimination because I was choosing one religion over another and that [this] wasn’t acceptable in the police. I […] was upset because I got the tattoo when my grandfather passed away to remember him because he was very religious and it meant a lot to me, and that’s why I got the tattoo,” she told the news outlet.

“To be honest, I didn’t really want to change it to a snowflake—I wanted to keep the cross because it was quite a meaningful tattoo to remember my grandfather. I had to come up with the idea to cover it, and I had to provide them with photos of what I wanted to cover the tattoo with, and I had to show proof after it was done too,” she lamented.

Despite her childhood dream of becoming a police officer, Fox soon decided to switch careers after becoming disappointed with the profession. “It wasn’t really what I expected. I wanted to go and catch criminals, basically all the good stuff. But where I worked, there were a lot of traffic calls and domestic calls and things like that. But I wanted a bit more action because you see in the US it’s always exciting.”

“I just thought it wasn’t for me, and the pay wasn’t as good as you’d think it would be, and I kind of missed the webcam stuff, and that’s how I ended up leaving the police force. It’s the flexibility for me, and I just love being able to be my own boss,” added the star.

Photo and video: Instagram @summer_foxofficial. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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