Emily Ratajkowski celebrates her 33rd birthday with daring photos

Emily Ratajkowski celebrates her 33rd birthday with bold shots (Instagram / @emrata)
Emily Ratajkowski celebrates her 33rd birthday with bold shots (Instagram / @emrata)

Emily Ratajkowski recently celebrated her 33rd birthday with a series of bold photos and videos.

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The model shared the images on her official Instagram profile and surprised fans with some shots, particularly one where she relaxes in a bathtub with a glass of wine.

In the caption, she thanked everyone for the birthday wishes and expressed her joy at being surrounded by loved ones, here’s what she wrote:

“Thank you all for the beautiful birthday messages, my heart is warm, my belly is bronzed and full of pasta!”


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Uma publicação compartilhada por Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata)

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