Doctor Goes Viral on Social Media After Showing Effects of Eating Undercooked Pork

carne de porco
Photo: Reprodução X @EM_RESUS

A doctor shared on network X what happens to the human body when pork is undercooked. The images have gone viral on the network.

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Emergency doctor Sam Ghali shared an image of a CT scan of a patient who had eaten undercooked pork. The images have gone viral and shocked users on network X.

The CT scan showed the patient’s leg muscles with larvae from a tapeworm. Tapeworm eggs can be found in undercooked pork, and when ingested, they hatch inside the human body and settle in the intestines, muscles, and even the brain of the host.

The disease is known as cysticercosis and can progress to more severe cases. “This specific condition is known as neurocysticercosis. It can cause headaches, confusion, seizures, and other serious neurological problems,” explained Ghali.


Treatment for cysticercosis, according to Ghali, involves “antiparasitic therapy, steroids, antiepileptics (neurocysticercosis), and surgical removal.”

The doctor said that to prevent cysticercosis, it is essential to “keep hands always clean” and “not eat raw or undercooked pork.”

Photo: X @EM_RESUS. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.