UK dentist Shaadi Manouchehri shared her oral hygiene routine and revealed a controversial habit in a video that went viral on TikTok.
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Shaadi Manouchehri, a UK dental surgeon, went viral on TikTok after revealing a controversial habit for maintaining her oral health.
In the video, the dentist explained that she brushes her teeth before drinking coffee and scrapes her tongue twice a day.
“If you do it the other way around, you can damage your teeth and gums and have a higher risk of developing cavities because bacteria multiply in your mouth overnight,” she explained about brushing teeth before coffee.
According to experts, brushing your teeth before breakfast helps protect your teeth from acidic foods and increases saliva production, which aids digestion.
She also uses a copper tongue scraper, which helps remove bacteria that cause bad breath.
“I also taste things a bit better,” commented Manouchehri.
What sparked controversy on social media was the fact that the dentist uses mouthwash before brushing her teeth.
“If you use mouthwash right after brushing, you’ll rinse away the protective fluoride layer [that the toothpaste provides], which will make your teeth more susceptible to cavities,” Manouchehri explained.
However, a New York dentist, Marc Lowenberg, defended using mouthwash 30 minutes after brushing and flossing.
“Mouthwash helps remove plaque that has been weakened by brushing and flossing,” Lowenberg explained to the New York Post.
Photos and video: TikTok @drshaadimanouchehri
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