Couple Goes Viral on TikTok After Receiving Fake Disney Socks: Watch the Video

Couple Goes Viral on TikTok After Receiving Fake Disney Socks: Watch the Video
Photos and video: TikTok @emilie.fernstrom

Video of a couple who bought fake Disney character socks went viral on TikTok.

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A mother identified as Emilie Fernstrom shared a video on her TikTok profile receiving fake Disney character socks. The images went viral on social media.

Emilie’s husband, John, was also in the video and expressed his frustration with the purchases made on Temu.

“We have Chip, he’s so cute, right? But then you turn it around and… we have ‘Chib’,” he pointed out, showing a sock with the character’s name misspelled.

The couple laughed as they showed other iconic Disney characters with incorrect names.

“So you have Mickey Mouse, he looks a bit funny, but you can still tell it’s Mickey. But according to them, he’s ‘Miikey’. Then you have Minnie, she looks good, but no, that’s ‘Mimnee'”, he showed.

More than 14 million people enjoyed the couple Fernstrom’s fake purchases.

“This is exactly why you should buy from Temu. I once bought Pepsi socks and they came with ‘peepi’ written on them. They’re my favorites,” said one of the users in the video comments.

Despite the comedic effect, a Temu spokesperson told The Mirror that the socks were removed from the site to avoid any copyright conflicts with Disney.

Photos and video: TikTok @emilie.fernstrom. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.