“Beast Games,” the new game show from MrBeast, cost $100 million. The first two episodes will premiere soon on Prime Video.
+Watch the MrBeast game show trailer
A brief teaser trailer has shown the first images of MrBeast’s game show, which will premiere on Prime Video on December 19. The show cost $100 million and promises to change the winner’s life.
“Beast Games” will feature 1,000 participants competing for the $5 million prize, the largest individual prize in TV and streaming history, according to UNILAD.
“I spent over a year creating this 10-episode competition series, breaking 40 world records, and building the craziest sets in entertainment history,” MrBeast wrote in an Instagram post with scenes from the show.
MrBeast’s fans are excited about the news. “This looks unreal! I’m definitely watching,” said one fan. “This show is going to crush all other game shows,” praised another.
Photos and video: YouTube Instagram Prime Video @mrbeast. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.