Boy graduates from high school without ever missing a day of school in 18 years

Wyatt-Chestnut / Facebook

American Wyatt-Chestnut made headlines after graduating from high school without ever missing a day of school in 18 years.

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A young American made headlines when it was revealed he graduated from high school without ever missing a day of school; a perfect attendance record from elementary through high school.

Wyatt Chesnut graduated from Riverside High School this year with an impressive 100% attendance rate. The young man spoke with WCHS Eyewitness News, a local TV network, and shared that people don’t believe him when he tells them about his achievement.

But Chestnut can now prove he’s not joking, as he has a certificate recognizing his achievement, awarded by his school district. “Anything you do for 18 consecutive years is very hard to achieve, but I never missed a day,” the boy said.

Chestnut mentioned his parents were the first to encourage him to strive every day, but it became his own goal when he reached high school. “Many missed trips and many sick days. I just rested my head on the table instead of the bed,” he recalled.

Now, with his high school diploma in hand, the student plans to attend college to major in criminal justice and biology. Chestnut has a clear goal: he wants to become a federal park ranger.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.