Ashton Kutcher reveals the reason he stopped using marijuana

Ashton Kutcher
Photos: Instagram @aplusk

In an interview for Esquire magazine, actor Ashton Kutcher revealed a bizarre incident that made him stop using marijuana.

Actor Ashton Kutcher revealed in an interview with Esquire that he stopped using marijuana after an incident with his wife Mila Kunis.

The couple was at a friend’s wedding in Italy when Kutcher ate a THC candy, which contains tetrahydrocannabinol, used to help people relax.

At some point, he realized that something “wasn’t quite right.” Kutcher started complaining that he couldn’t feel anything from the waist down. He suspected it was because of a vasectomy he had at the time.


The actor began to panic and needed Mila Kunis’s help to get back to their room. Kutcher remembers saying, “We can’t even afford to be here right now,” due to financial reasons. He later realized he had made a miscalculation.

After this event, he decided to stop using marijuana and has been sober for 10 years. “The minute marijuana became legal in California, I was banned from using it,” Kutcher joked.

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