A Brazilian mother shared a video of her 10-month-old son who is unusually large and has gone viral on social media. The child is only 10 months old and measures 79 centimeters.
Brazilian Alessandra Barbosa Xavier shared on social media a video of her baby growing during her pregnancy. The child’s unusual size went viral among internet users.
Henrí Bandeira de Mello Barbosa Xavier, son of Alessandra, is only 10 months old and measures 79 centimeters in height.
The video shows Henrí shortly after birth at 4.2 kg and 51 centimeters, a measurement off the charts according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards. At the end of the montage, Henrí reached the weight of 14.8 kg and 79 centimeters at 9 months.
The WHO states that the average height for healthy male newborns at nine months is 72 centimeters (average) and 76.5 centimeters (maximum). Henrí has the height typical of a 15-month-old baby.
“I can’t keep up anymore; it’s very difficult to hold him in my arms,” Alessandra told the Brazilian magazine CRESCER. The video has already garnered over 14 million views.
Photos and video: Instagram @alexavierdj. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.