A digital influencer couple drowns in a river in Japan while trying to save each other

Digital influencer couple drowns in river in Japan after trying to save each other Photo: Instagram @tbs0412

A digital influencer couple known for their travels to exotic locations has drowned in a river in Japan. Both tried to save each other but did not survive.

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A digital influencer couple has drowned in a river in Japan. The accident occurred at the end of June near the city of Gifu, but their deaths were confirmed by family members and reported by the New York Post in July.

The husband, Tsubasa Ito, 41, was drowning in the river, and his wife, Teitei, 35, was seen trying to save him, but both ended up drowning. The couple was known for taking photos in exotic landscapes around the world.

Tsubasa Ito’s sister explained that her brother fell into the turbulent waters due to heavy rain the previous day. His wife tried to help him with a rope but was also swept away. Both bodies were found wearing life jackets by Japanese authorities.

The couple’s last post was at the end of June. Fans paid tribute to Tsubasa Ito and Teitei. “From the bottom of my heart, I pray for their souls’ peace”, mourned one of them.

Photo: Instagram @tbs0412

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